The following rules are established for the protection and benefit of all Members.
Members are requested to caution their children and guests to observe and obey all rules and Club Staff. Failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for suspension of pool use.
Members bringing guests will be responsible for the conduct and safety of their guests.
General Pool Facility
Pool hours are daily from 10AM- 7PM.
Pool use is at your own risk.
Members must sign in at Pool Shack with their names and the names of any guests accompanying them.
A guest fee must be paid for anyone not listed on the members’ membership application.
All guests must be accompanied by a member. Members should not leave the premises while their guests remain at the Pool.
Guest fee is $7/guest. Guests may come two times per month.
Children under age 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult or guardian.
Individuals using the Orchard Creek Pool and facilities do so at their own risk.
Orchard Creek assumes no liability for accidents or property loss.
No intoxicated persons will be allowed to use the pool facilities.
No smoking in the pool facility nor around the entry ways of the facility.
When not staffed, the Pool Shack will be opened on the Honor system.
Admission may be refused to any member whose membership dues are not current.
No outside food or beverage allowed.
Pool Area Safety
No running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undue disturbance in or around the Pool/Pool Deck.
No diving in the shallow end of the pool.
No rafts or pitching balls when the pool is crowded.
No food or drinks permitted in the water.
Lifeguards will not be on duty.
Pool use is swim at your own risk.
Parents or guardians are responsible for helping their children know and obey the rules.
Parents or guardians are responsible for determining swim ability.
Storm Policy
The pool and pool deck will be cleared when alarm sounds.
You may wait inside or in your vehicle until the all clear alarm sounds.
Conduct in Pool
Never fake trouble or calls for help.
Diving off someone’s shoulders will not be permitted.
No hanging or pulling on ropes.
Do not block the ladders.
No Frisbees® or other flying discs are permitted in the pool at any time.
No abusive or profane language.
Health Rules
No expectorating or blowing nose in the pool.
Admission into the Pool may be denied due to intoxication, open sores, skin infections, nasal or ear discharges, or any evidence of a condition that, in the opinion of staff, would jeopardize the health or safety of others at the pool.
No pets allowed in the pool facility.
Parties during Pool Hours
Members and non-members pay to host two-hour, semi-private parties during regular Pool hours. Staff may move tables to an area reserved for guests of the party Host.
Members are asked to respect the reserved area, tables, and privacy of those attending a party. Refer any questions to the Pool manager on duty.
Members and non-members pay to host two-hour, private parties during regular Pool hours.
Members will receive email notifications prior to parties, additonally this will be updated on the website.
Trash must be deposited in the containers provided.
Each member is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their guests (spills, trash, food, etc.)
To prevent stains, spills and food on the concrete deck should be cleaned immediately.
Chair Storage
Members may bring and store their personal chairs at their own risk in the uncovered area of the pool deck. Chairs may not be stored under the tent. Chairs should be clearly marked with their names. No one should use a chair belonging to another member without the member’s knowledge.
Chair storage is at your own risk.
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